Mastering the Art of Failing
Mastering the Art of Failing Podcast
Cameron Currie: From Military Life to CrossFit Entrepreneur
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -40:20

Cameron Currie: From Military Life to CrossFit Entrepreneur

Season One, Episode Seven: CrossFit Coach Cameron Currie discusses his departure from structured military life into a path he fully paves for himself.

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In life, not all moments and memories are predicated by a single momentous point of failure. For many, navigating life is a matter of bumps, turns, and unique challenges that test us each step of the way. This takes us to the start of Coach Cameron Currie’s journey. A pathway that led him to join the Air Force out of high school, travel the world, and find meaning in fitness. It was during his military career that Currie became used to living a strict lifestyle that was chosen for him, and as he transitioned out, he had to discover how to live life on his own terms again.

This week, on Mastering the Art of Failing, Coach Cameron Currie shares his journey from military life to CrossFit entrepreneur and his plans to open a new physical gym.


  1. Currie's passion for fitness, initially sparked by his own personal needs, evolved into a deep satisfaction from helping others achieve their fitness goals.

  2. Currie found the essence of CrossFit to be beyond fitness—it was about building a community, sharing experiences, and fostering camaraderie.

  3. Transitioning from a structured military life to civilian life was challenging, highlighting the importance of preparation, deep introspection, and leveraging one's network in navigating this transition.

  4. Currie advises others transitioning from the military to civilian life to utilize their networks and accept that they don't have to do it alone.

Discovering a New Path in Fitness

Cameron Currie's story is a unique tale of personal growth, transformation, and passion for fitness. His journey from military life to becoming a CrossFit entrepreneur began unexpectedly. As a high school student preparing for the military and playing football, he was initially drawn to fitness as a medium to boost his performance and prepare himself for the stringent physical demands of military life. However, as he delved deeper into the fitness world, he found a deeper, more gratifying purpose.

"I was drawn to the satisfaction I derived from helping others achieve their fitness goals," Currie shares. This realization marked a turning point in his life, steering him towards a path that he would passionately pursue in the years to come.

While serving in the military, Currie found an opportunity to bring this newfound passion to life by opening a non-profit CrossFit affiliate in Italy. This venture provided him a platform to reach out to a diverse group of individuals ranging from moms to military generals and help them on their fitness journeys.

The Challenges of Transitioning from Military to Civilian Life

Like many veterans, transitioning from a structured military life to civilian life was a significant challenge for Currie. He describes this period as one of the most mentally taxing times in his life. The sudden absence of the regimented routine that he had been accustomed to and the daunting task of making independent life decisions felt overwhelming.

"I felt this impending date of my departure from the military, and without much of a safety net to fall on," Currie recalls. However, he emphasizes the importance of preparation, deep introspection, and leveraging one's network to navigate through this challenging transition.

Currie's journey wasn't smooth. But his resilience, determination, and the unwavering faith in his mission saw him through these tough times.

Building a Community and Changing Lives Through CrossFit

Once Currie found his footing in civilian life, he focused on what he loved the most - building a community through CrossFit. For him, the essence of CrossFit extended beyond fitness. It was about the community, the shared experiences, and the camaraderie it fostered.

"I was able to bring children, moms, dads, everybody together into an environment to express their fitness and learn that, 'oh, this can actually be really fun and really engaging'", he said.

Today, as the founder of Base 3 Fitness, Currie is living his dream. He continues to guide countless athletes around the world toward their health goals while building a strong community centered on fitness. His unique approach to fitness, which emphasizes both physical strength and mental resilience, has transformed countless lives.

A New Chapter: Currie's Plan to Open a Physical Gym

Reflecting on his journey so far, Currie is now setting his sights on a new venture—opening a physical gym. This ambitious plan is the next step in his mission to transform lives through fitness and community. Currie's dream of having a physical location is not a new one. In his early days of coaching, he envisioned a space where individuals could not only achieve their health goals but also feel a sense of belonging. Now, this dream is on the cusp of becoming a reality.

Currie aims to create a space that extends beyond the traditional idea of a gym—a place that fosters community, encourages resilience, and equips individuals with the tools they need to lead healthier lives.

In this new setting, Currie plans to bring his unique approach to fitness to a wider audience. His focus is not just on physical strength but also on mental resilience, emphasizing the interconnectedness of physical and mental health. This holistic approach to fitness has already transformed countless lives, and with the opening of a physical gym, Currie is poised to reach even more individuals.


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Cameron Currie: Hello, I'm Cameron Curry and my life has been a series of bold decisions and defining moments. It all started with leaving home straight out of high school to work construction, followed by seven years serving in the U. S. Air Force at home and abroad. But two years into my seven year enlistment, I realized my passion and purpose were elsewhere.

That led me to Italy, where I started a non profit CrossFit affiliate, and then to Hong Kong, where I refined my coaching skills, before eventually finding a new home here in Northern Virginia, where I managed a gym for four years. But my appetite for the challenge wasn't satisfied yet. At 34, I left the comfort and stability of that salaried position to dive into entrepreneurship. Today, as the founder of Base 3 Fitness, I've guided countless athletes worldwide toward their health goals. And now we're planning on opening our first physical location within the next year.

Cameron Currie: The journey is only getting started.

Alex Love: Thanks so much for joining us Cam or as I know you, coach Cam, I think it's been, I think we've crossed into from a few years into too many years of working together on a variety of different places.

And it's been really cool to see a fraction of your journey from starting off, We met when I moved from DC into Virginia, the 1st priority I had was to find a new gym. And so that's how we got acquainted was I took your class for a couple of years. And then when you ended up leaving, and we both decided to pursue new things you've been my coach doing power lifting on the side, which has been really cool.

So I've seen a quarter of your journey, but there are some nuggets that you talked about that I was not aware of. Including a physical gym, which I'm excited about. So we'll dig into more of that before, but I'd love to start at the beginning, right? You you left high school, you worked construction for a little bit, and then you had some sort of calling to join the air force.

So let's talk a little bit about that. Why did you decide to join the air force? And walk us through your military career.

Cameron Currie: Gosh. Yeah, that's a it takes me back a little bit and thank you so much for having me on the show. This is a I've listened to a few episodes. I really love the idea of, like you said, dispelling the notion that failure is a bad thing and I'm really excited to talk about, the different hurdles and stuff like that I've come across in my life.

Yeah, the Air Force, in high school college, my nobody in my family went to college. So college was such a, an unfamiliar thing. And in small town, Pennsylvania, a lot of farm communities and stuff like that, the military seemed to be the only way. And I. I really saw myself going to the military after high school, but over summer I went to Ohio for a few months to work construction and I ended up falling in love with just the autonomy I had, the freedom I had.

I was working with my uncle, so I had a nice company truck and a cell phone and it was it was a cool gig for an 18 year old. But very quickly, the part time work turned to overtime work and I wasn't being compensated In line with that. So I was just like this is obviously going to have a pretty quick shelf life as far as a career goes.

So what's next? And then that led me to revisit the notion of the Air Force. And I remember a lot of my, A lot of the conversations I had with my mom about it because she worked at a, like a dining club at the time. And she's told me that so many of the members at this exclusive club were ex military retired air force.

And she said, if you're going to join, you have to join the air force. These guys are so smart. They're so well traveled. They're so together. And I'm like that sounds like something I want. So yeah, after my run of construction I reached out to a recruiter. And went to basic training like three months after that.

I had to wait for my career slot to open up, which was radio and TV broadcasting. And as soon as I, as soon as I took that jump, I didn't look back. Because it was something that, I think a lot of people have that. Desire to do something bigger than themselves and for me for 18 year old me like the military was that thing for sure but yeah, that's my that's the foray into military life

Alex Love: Yeah that tracks from small town, New Jersey. So definitely neighbors. I get it. But that's really cool. So in your intro, you talked about, two years into your seven year tenure. You realized maybe this isn't my purpose. Talk a little bit about what led to that. And how you survived another five years, right?

What did you do for five years? And what was the ultimate, Okay, you know what? I've served my time. I'm ready to move on. Talk about that moment.

Cameron Currie: Who has it? Yeah, it was. I think as a young guy, there's a lot of pressure to, like I said, there's that feeling of serving something bigger than yourself. And I definitely felt that right. But there were several moments along that trajectory where I was like, wow, I get so much more satisfaction in helping others reach their fitness goal.

For sure. I got into fitness. Selfishly at first to help me prepare for the military to help me with high school football and that sort of thing. But I never really realized the profound impact it could have on others. And once I saw that, I was like, this is it. This is everything for me.

But how I managed to get through that next 5 years was actually in Italy, where I was stationed, that was where I opened up my first nonprofit. And that was my first chance to help. Moms to help generals to help everybody from kids all the way up to four star generals with their fitness.

And that to me was just the epitome of service, and that's one of the big things in the military is like service before self that, to me, I was able to use fitness as a vehicle for that core value in the military and service before self meant to me just taking care of others and helping them find their health, their wellness, and balance in life really.

Elliot: So, if you don't mind I would love to. dig into that a little bit. So as someone who has obviously never been anywhere near the military in my mind, I see, an excessive amount of training, exercise, fitness related activity built in. So why necessarily for someone In the military. Why do you need to hone in on that skillset?

It's I don't know, again, from an outsider perspective I just assume you're running in circles and doing terrible things all the time. But what what's the focal point to like really elevate that, to make your health and, focus on health, not just doing the routines. I'm curious what was the background?

What was the inspiration to elevate that component?

Cameron Currie: Yeah, that's a really great question. I think for me and for the military to go back to that, like so much of your time in the military, the fitness aspect is, I don't want to say it's a punishment, but like fitness is a necessary evil that you have to wake up early and go to PT and Some people love it.

Like I was one of the guys up bright and early. I left. Let's go run. But for others, it was I have this job and in the military, there's, there's accountants, there's lawyers, there's radio and TV broadcasters like myself. So there's civilian counterparts in the military. And I think in a lot of ways, there's still that civilian mindset of ah, fitness is just a thing that I have to do.

to support my life and the rhythm at which I live. So for a lot of people, fitness was a a point of friction. I want to say not for everybody. That's a pretty generalized statement, but I mainly worked a lot with spouses, military spouses who were stationed overseas, who didn't necessarily have that community feel that the military members might've had in their office, et cetera.

I was able to bring, Children, moms, dads, everybody together into environment to express their fitness and learn that, oh, damn, this can actually be really fun and really engaging. And really, it's not about the fitness. It's more about the community that I'm hanging out with and the people here supporting me and lifting me up.

Elliot: right. Now you're definitely speaking my language because I had a love affair with fitness I've got 200 milers under my belt, done a couple of Ironman

Cameron Currie: Dang, that's crazy.

Elliot: It's stupid is what it is. Yeah, Alex was part of that initial foray into that. We all very poorly picked the race with

Alex Love: decided that our first half marathon should be in Asheville, North Carolina, which training in D. C. with no mountains when we got there, I was like, I'm not qualified to run up this mountain,

Cameron Currie: are all these hills? Let

Alex Love: And then after that parlayed, Elliot kept going, and I said, lifting shiny things over here.

Cameron Currie: me go lift this. This sounds a lot more fun.

Alex Love: Absolutely,

uh, as a group, a way to connect together. So I totally get that. And Alex decided to go with a more mentally healthy approach. So I can

I don't know about that. We all have our reasons for going to the gym. But, Cam, you talked a little bit about the purpose of community, right? And how that makes You know, that was the building block of the training you were doing and getting into it. And it makes a lot of sense as to why you would parlay into CrossFit, right?

Because, CrossFit may have a poor connotation of certain people, but it is very community based. And I think that's what drew me to it when I started my CrossFit journey, was the community, was the gym. And, that's again how we met, was that community. So talk a little bit about how you got started with CrossFit and why you decided, leaving the military.

This is the community for me, and I want to build a community, a stronger CrossFit community, internationally, and then here in the Northern Virginia area.

Cameron Currie: Yeah, for sure. That's when I think back to how I got started at CrossFit, I started with CrossFit. It was really, I'm going to say it how it was. It was an attempt. I was trying to hit on a girl at the gym is basically what it was. I saw her doing like the kipping pull ups. And I went over to her.

Thinking I was going to wow her with like my strict pull ups, check this out. And as I'm talking to her, I'm like, Hey, what are you doing? What the hell is that crazy thing you're doing on the bar? You're just all over the place. Try it like this, trying to show off a little bit.

And she politely pulled her earphone out and was like, Listen, bro, it's CrossFit. If you want to, if you want to get a good workout, come in tomorrow, same time, same place. And I did, and I promptly got my ass handed to me by a Marine, and it was embarrassing, it was humbling, but man, there was just something special about The shared suffering that we were both in the shit, sweating, grunting, groaning, and then walking away from it.

It's oh, wow, that I feel profoundly different than when I walked into the gym. If I can figure out a way to carry this feeling to other people. That would be epic. I just want people to feel this good about their fitness, about their training, about their life. So I started training just military friends that I was stationed with.

This was in Kabul or no, this was in Kandahar, Afghanistan. And it started with a group of three or four people. And then I took that. With me back to the States, when I returned to my duty assignment, I got my CrossFit certification in 2009, and from there, it was just these kind of ad hoc training groups wherever I was stationed, which eventually grew into this this nonprofit affiliate in Vicenza, Italy, where we ran classes multiple times a day.

I think we had 50 members total at one point before I left Italy. So it was mainly trying to take that initial feeling of accomplishment. But also just like I felt so like I had so much work to do. So there was this big gap of like where I am and where I want to be. I wanted to help other people see that gap and then potentially work to close that gap.

And that has now turned into. Just trying to help people do the same thing with their lifestyle, with their nutrition, with their mindset, that sort of thing.

Alex Love: Very cool. So leaving Italy, how'd you get to Hong Kong and talk about your time in Hong Kong?

Cameron Currie: Yeah, so I left Italy and honestly, like there were these, there are these moments in life that, talked about it in the intro, these defining moments, these bold leaps. And I got out of the military. I felt like I was prepared until the day came where I had to fly back to the states. And I was just like, what do I do?

I had become institutionalized, like my wardrobe was taken care of. All my meals were paid for, my living conditions were all set. So I moved to Florida for a little bit and I coached there very briefly like a year or so. And then I realized very quickly that I had Bumped up against the ceiling of what the owner of that gym could provide for me as far as a living unless I wanted to absolutely just burn myself out and run myself into the ground.

So I started reaching out and talking to my network of CrossFit folks and found this position in Hong Kong, coaching full time salary benefits paid vacation. And as a 27 year old, I was like, hell fricking, yeah, this is awesome. I get to live overseas again. I get to have that, that that kind of military travel mentality again.

So I traveled around quite a bit, but yeah, over in Hong Kong, it was a grind. It's a very, work hard, play harder culture over there. So I was coaching 27 classes a week and then I would stay out until two o'clock in the morning. And it was just like, I realized about two, that was probably a year into it.

I was like this is not sustainable. This is going to end very poorly for me. So let me try to find a position back in the States. And that's when I started Looking for jobs indeed and that sort of thing on back in the States and luckily I found this position, outside of Fairfax, Virginia where I was born and about five years ago I moved back to Virginia to start coaching here in the States.

Alex Love: Yeah. And that's how we met.

Cameron Currie: That's

Alex Love: talk a little bit. So going back again, cause I feel like this is something that you know, a lot of military veterans struggle with that transition. You talked about having your entire day, your entire life prescripted for you, right? Everything is the schedule, your clothes, your life.

It's all there for you. Talk a little bit about some of the lessons learned or maybe feelings of how did you transition successfully from, military, Yeah. Great. into civilian life.

Cameron Currie: Successfully. Yeah.

Alex Love: This is a show about failing. So you can talk about some of the, the failures there too. But a lot of veterans struggle with this and a lot of people in the military may be listening to this, right? So what advice do you have for coming out?

Cameron Currie: I do want to make it very clear that it was definitely something that mentally it was probably one of the most trying times in my life, but I. I don't think I realized, or maybe I was in denial to that fact, like we're talking, breaking out in hives, not being able to sleep just really wound up super tight because I felt this impending date of my departure from the military and with without much of a cushion or safety net to fall on.

So what sort of lessons that I learned in that is just, would definitely be to try and. Like really sit with your thoughts because that's one of the things that I didn't do. I think in a lot of ways, I was in such a hurry to go to the next party, do the next function, just anything to distract myself from what I needed to do, which is some deep reflection on all right, Cameron, you just started, you served seven years in the military.

You're about to start this new chapter at 27 years old. The world is a different place from where it was when you were a civilian last. So some deep reflection some deep kind of introspection would have been something that like looking back, I wish I would have done more of if there's a lesson there somehow.

But then also just understanding that. You can make all the preparation. You can try to factor in every single possible outcome in a situation and still fall flat on your face. Just because you've done the diligence on your end, don't expect it to be beautiful, easy rainbows and sunshine because Fuck, life's hard sometimes.

Alex Love: Yeah. As a transitioning into a new mom life I get that. That's hard. Yeah, as much as you can plan, it's just, it is what it is. The tiny dictator screams at me and let's, My day plan is out the window, right? But you got to go with it.

Cameron Currie: Absolutely. Just got to roll with the punches. That's it.

Elliot: All right, so building upon that, I do want to maybe dig into a little more maybe looking at some of those pivot points and balancing prep versus winging it. Now you did mention introspection and really just thinking through the process, but do you feel for folks transitioning back to civilian life, do you feel like, you There's any tactical things that you wish you had done?

Obviously, basically treating yourself what, with fitness, that's my mental therapy. And I assume there's an aspect of that to yourself. But tactically, do you feel like there's anything that they should look towards to build into the plan that will just help them guide them through that kind of process?

Cameron Currie: Yeah. I think the mistake that I made was thinking that I could do it alone. Like I've got this, I can muscle my way through this. And I think I spent a lot of my early upbringing kind of fending for myself and just doing, going it alone, and that was one thing as soon as I got out, I realized that God, I didn't use my network enough.

Like there, there are people in your corner always willing to fight. From a tactical standpoint, like use your network, use the people in your corner. Because it's really, it can be a very lonely road. It doesn't have to be. Because again, you're not the only one that's going through it.

There are other people who have gone through it as well. And to be able to be humble enough to reach out and seek that guidance, that was something that I didn't do. And I feel like it made it exponentially more challenging from a, just a doing it alone standpoint, like it was a lot more challenging.

And I would say. Prepare like financially prepare a living situation prepare and I had done a little bit of this, but I was like, I got to a certain point. I'm like, I'll be good. It'll be fine. Everything will work out. Usually does. And it made it just like an uphill battle to get to that point where it was working out.

So yeah, use your network. Use the resources that the military provides as well. They do an amazing job of, it's called the transition assistance program. I believe taps for the air force use any resource. They give you job portals, open yourself up to opportunities, because if you retreat inward, which is what I did to a certain degree, you're closing yourself off to those potential opportunities.

And I think that's a very limiting mindset to have when transitioning back to civilian life.

Elliot: Interesting. So I think one thing that really stands out to me is earlier in our conversation so far, you've already talked about the importance of building community and being part of a community. And it sounds like that is a and it's a piece that might maybe psychologically be embedded in you and helps drive some of the stuff that you're doing today and why you're building these things for other people, connecting other people together you've lived through being a one person crew and you've seen some of the challenges and now maybe that even just adds additional fire to like why you're steaming full, going full steam ahead on building these connections to people.

Cameron Currie: I hadn't really thought like I really appreciate that. I hadn't thought about it like that because it is, cause I do remote coaching for the most part. So it's a lot of me just tinkering away on the computer and it's only when I'm able to zoom out like this, do I see that? Oh, holy shit. Yeah, I have a community of 40 people right now that have just decided to put themselves first finally in their life and make changes for the good.

So yeah, that's a good way to look at it for sure.

Elliot: Yeah. And the other aspect is I have a horrible schedule, so I fully appreciate the more remote coaching aspect of this. But at the end of the day, like I have an entire library of books that teach me how to go through ultras and Ironman and all that stuff. But it's different to have someone else with a clear mindset and perspective to help like shape that and put that into one book.

aspect. And it looks like we have a little bit of a visitor. So I had to interrupt.

Cameron Currie: Oh, my goodness.

Elliot: So for our listeners, we obviously took a little bit of a break. And if you're watching, you now know why Alex is back with her little one. Sorry to derail our conversation. Anyways, where I was going with that aspect is, I think even for a busy person like myself, having a person like you on their side it community is not an army of people.

It's not many people. It can literally just be someone you're like yourself with a clear focal perspective to help guide someone through that. It's basically a mentor ship too.

Cameron Currie: Yeah, and honestly, that was one of the biggest surprises. Because when I left my my coaching position to start base three, I was like, I'm just going to be a fitness coach and write workouts and help people reach their weight goals and all this stuff. But it ended up being more and more me helping people through these massive.

Decisions in life and these like defining moments that they were going through. And I'm like, holy cow, this is so relatable because like I did this a decade ago, five years ago, whatever. And it ended up being like me teaching people how to show up for themselves that way they can show up better for their community.

And I take a lot of satisfaction in that, like improving, it sounds very big and grandiose, but improving the world. By going inward first, and then that will hopefully radiate outward to whatever community you find yourself in.

Elliot: So I think reflecting back on that, it, that is a fantastic point, because we're often taught down to like kindergarten, that happiness comes from within and, there's all sorts of negative negativity in the world.

And unless you're happy, how are you supposed to shape it and shift it forward? The one thing that I thought was really interesting, and it speaks to some of the stuff that I get asked a lot for whatever reason, is that when people start their fitness and health journeys usually they are like they there's, all sorts of levels.

But someone will ask, Hey, I want to run a marathon, or I just want to run or I just want to do this. But like the why that's the big question. And I think that's what stands out in the relationship you're building with people because you're not just building fitness plans for people. You're essentially a therapist, you're trying to determine what the outcome is, what's the motivation?

What's driving them to do it? And that is probably the biggest factor because self motivation is challenging itself, but to have someone like you all by their side to help guide them through that process and understand how to embrace, those elements. But yeah, that's what seems to stand out to me in this kind of aspect that you're building.

Cameron Currie: Yeah most definitely. It's just, it's one of those Man, if people knew just because I'm a fitness coach and a health coach, people, I think automatically maybe jump to the conclusion that I've got all my stuff dialed in. Like I eat perfectly. I sleep eight and a half hours a night. I do all this stuff.

But if you knew how many times I found myself in the frozen food aisle, staring at Ben and Jerry's ice cream, you would just be appalled because it's yeah, just it doesn't make me immune to it being a fitness coach and a health coach, but yeah, getting to the why of people's. Motivation and then being brave enough to say you know what, Ellie?

I don't really think that's that important to you. Let's be honest. Is that really something you want? And if it is, why? Because so and so said you should because somebody in your family might have done that before. Who cares? What do you want to do? And that getting to that route and that essence of What makes a person uniquely that person is my mission in a lot of ways, trying to strip away all the expectations of society and like their circle, whatever that might be.

Elliot: I love that perspective. Self actualization is such a difficult component to even consider. Most people are so busy and make our lives so occupied with activities that you can't even really consider that. I will not mention my age on this for the sake of my own sanity, but I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up, but I'm grown up.

So to be able to build that plan and understand that having, again, someone like you to help guide them through that, it's a pretty good indicator that you've been through some of those experiences, you understand how to do that. But for the record, I have no idea how you can stare at a freezer aisle and not come home with some bad food because I have failed every single time.

Alex Love: don't walk into the aisle at all to begin with.

Cameron Currie: I don't know how it happens. I black out and I'm like, Oh, this is the frozen food aisle again.

Alex Love: That happens to me at Trader Joe's. When I go to Trader Joe's, I'll come out and I'll be like, wait, what is any of this? None of this is food that I actually need. But no, that's really cool. And we've had a lot of these conversations, right? To your point, Elliot, CAM is a little bit of part of my therapy, right?

Going to the gym is therapy, but also the conversations we have and the accountability is a part of it. And going through Something like a pregnancy with a trainer and now postpartum with a trainer, you very quickly figure out this actually is very important to me. And this is why I continue to do it.

And everyone's like, why are you still here? How are you back? Were you doing this? I can't disappoint camp. But at the end of the day, it's important to me. And

it's important

And I'm very excited to bring her to the gym. And that's part of my, why, is the strength and how much mental clarity it gives me.

Cameron Currie: And that's it. You ultimately have to show up for yourself. Like I can explain to you how amazing it feels to do all the things, to train, to meditate, to do your breath work, whatever it is, but it's up to you to realize like your life could be potentially exponentially better if you just adopt those things and stick with it versus, trying to fight it or trying to resist it.

And it's one of those things too, like to go back to what you said earlier, Elliot, it's there's never a final destination and that's something that a lot of people struggle with. It's I don't have any clients that have reached a goal and said, you know what, I'm good actually. This is where I want to be for the rest of my life.

No, let's continue to move that goal forward. What's the next step? We're meant for struggle. We're meant for resistance a little bit, I feel like as humans. And we've gotten a little bit comfortable sometimes. Some of us have, just like status quo. I'm going to maintain, I'm just going to live my life like this and be reactive versus leaning in a little bit and making my own change in my own way in the world.

Elliot: I hope you weren't smiling because you did that one marathon and that was it. You shifted over to something else

Alex Love: Hey, I ran five half marathons and then I retired, but only because I was physically on a, I let the universe decide if I was going to do the cherry blossom 10 miler every year because it's a lottery. And so 2020 I'm like, I don't really want to do this anymore. But I'll put my name in the lottery. And of course, for the fourth year in a row, I get into it.

And it was 2020 at the time. And I'm on training run with one of my good friends. We get the cancellation race notice because of COVID. And I said, okay, I'm going to go home and I ran home and then I never went out for a run again.

Cameron Currie: Retired the running shoes that day.

Alex Love: Did. So COVID was a part of that and floundering around a little bit, but yeah, then you find your true purpose, which is definitely not running.

It is definitely in the gym.

Elliot: Were you doing power lifting or however you position it, like a week before the little one arrived?

Alex Love: Oh, I went to the gym the day before she arrived.

Cameron Currie: Like it's impressive, like just the dedication. Like you said, it was, it's like therapy for you. Like you're in this really big transitional phase in life. What is the most stable thing you have? It's like that routine of getting in the car, going to the gym, warming up.

It's that comfort. I feel like, was that something that you noticed leading up to the final days before the baby Alex?

Alex Love: Yeah, because I knew my world was about to totally shift and being able to hang on to the last possible day and last possible moment to walk in and say, okay, I'm still here. I'm doing it. And then to walk in back three weeks later, it was cool too. I officially got cleared yesterday and I laughed when the doctor said, you can go back to the gym.

And I was like, Yeah. I went back three weeks ago, but thank you for your approval. And she looked at me and was like you did. And I was like, yeah, clearly I'm not pushing my regular numbers or doing anything and being very intentional about it, but I trust my body enough to know what I can and can't do.

And it's part of that mental piece, right? Again, I live my life now for her 24 hours a day. The couple hours I can get out to the gym are really truly for me. And that's very important to have, I think, in this newborn stage.

Cameron Currie: Oh, absolutely. Keeps everything in balance for you. For sure.

Alex Love: Absolutely.

Elliot: Amazing. Maybe we switch gears a little bit since it sounds like you dropped a little bit of news on Alex as far as future plans. Building anything of that nature is not going to be an easy feat, but where is your mindset and how are you approaching basically building a physical footprint, and I would assume, bringing the community together.

Cameron Currie: Okay.

like a year and a half, two years into base three, I'm about two and a half years into it now that while I can make a very profound impact on folks The timescale of that, it works in okay, so a person will do a workout and then maybe the day after or whatever, I'll see their workout and then I'll be like, oh, this person PR let me retroactively congratulate them in that there's a disconnect.

It's stilted a little bit. I've always wanted to open my own gym. That was something that was on my mind. From the early days of the military, I wanted to open my own facility and now, like having started and successfully run base three fitness that gave me the confidence I needed truly to leverage that into what will soon be a physical location for base three fitness.

And the goal of that is to be this community hub where people can come together. And not only train, but also have that built in support network of, friends, potentially family, like just community right to help them if they start to waver. It's a little more instantaneous than the back and forth of technology and messages.

It's I see you every day. Come, you come in. I can see how you're feeling just by looking at your face. Let's get to the bottom of this. Let's work through some stuff, whatever it is. Yeah. And honestly, like going back to the conversation about the military, about things that I wish I would have done exiting the military.

I'm being more receptive to my network, right? I'm very open to opportunities. I'm leaning into things. I'm asking questions. I'm researching. I'm asking like, Hey, is there any gym opportunity? Looking for spaces, talking to people that Who are in real estate right now are potentially able to help me.

So it's in the very early stages. I have a vision and now it's just one step at a time. Just checking boxes, like talk to this person. No, nothing panned out there. Let's move on to the next opportunity. The next conversation, the next coffee meet up and see if by the end of this year we can have a space for base three athletes as well as people in the northern Virginia area to train and it not just be about fitness and chasing numbers and stuff, but also just about a small community of like minded folks who are just goal driven and unwilling to accept mediocrity.

You know what I mean? Like we're all striving for something. And I feel like that yeah. is something I want to support.

Alex Love: To seeing that facility and seeing that come to life. We skipped a little bit of the journey for sure. But, let's go back to the founding of base 3. You said you're 2 and a half years in what was the crux of deciding I'm going to do this for myself again.

And what did what have you learned in these 2 and a half years of building the community?

Cameron Currie: Yeah. So two and a half years ago, I the management at my old facility and I just were starting to not see eye to eye anymore on certain things. So I was like, you know what? my time. I'm going to branch out.

And it was very scary. Like again, talking about transitions and the fear factor going into that. I had to have some deep conversations with a friend of mine who I'd consider a mentor. Now she reminded me like, Hey, there's a whole world outside of your bubble that you've been in at this gym. And I didn't realize that I thought my whole life was in this gym because I'd spent the last four years pumping my blood, sweat, and tears into that thing.

And to step away from that was tough. It was terrifying. It was like looking over a ledge with a thousand foot drop before me. So after having that conversation of understanding that there is a big world outside of wherever you happen to find yourself in that moment that's what led me to took the leap.

And it's something that I often say I wish I would've done it sooner, but I don't think that's the case because I think I needed to learn these lessons as I've gone or as I've gone through my time coaching. And it's taken me, 15 years to open my own business. And I feel like some days I took the fast way, like I took the fast route to get there, it's a, it's definitely a series of lessons that I feel have set me up to be a better coach, a better mentor, a better, whatever the title is that I wear for that given day.

But yeah, that's, it was just definitely a a chance for me to take all the lessons I've learned. And apply them in a way that I'm comfortable with. That was ultimately the the desire to open base three fitness.

Alex Love: Yeah, I was there that day that you walked out. So I do remember that very fondly. And yeah, it was a big day. It was a big deal even for the community members to see you walk off. And I think, your pull at the gym is amazing. Is evident, right? We're sitting here having this conversation years later, still a part of each other's lives.

And I think many of us felt that way that such a charismatic, such a great coach, right? We came, we followed you into the new, wherever you're going and new fitness facility. I'm excited for that too, but yeah. So let's talk a little bit about the early days of phase three, you, I, how much of a plan did you really have before you?

Said I'm going to do it. And how much of it was spur of the moment? You know what it's time I'll figure it out when I get there.

Cameron Currie: Well, that's a really great question.


of me leaving my position at that gym, it all happened very quickly. So I was like I had to talk to my wife and I said, hey, Are you comfortable if I just start my own business?

And she was like, holy shit, I guess so. Like this, we're gonna make this work. And the analogy I use is it really felt like jumping out of an airplane and then trying to build a parachute on the way down quickly. Holy crap, I'm gonna hit the ground. I need to make this happen. So I think there was a lot of value in that instantaneous pressure that was placed on me.

Hey, starting today, like I walked out of the facility. I didn't have a job. That's it. What do I do next? Yeah, and that was, it was one of those things where I didn't really know what direction it was going to take. And I truly have relied on my intuition quite a bit. And one of the things I, one of the phrases I use a lot when I'm faced with a difficult decision is, trust your gut, use your head, but follow your heart.

And if you do those three things in alignment nine times out of 10, you're going to be taken to a good spot. I feel like. And I've really tried to do that. And honestly, if you were to tell me two and a half years ago that, Hey, Cameron, most of your clientele are going to be, mid to mid thirties to early forties, women, new moms, like I would have been like, no way I'm working with the meat heads.

I'm getting everybody just absolutely jacked. But, That's not the case. I just find so much more satisfaction in working with the clients that I work with now. And I had no idea that I'd be here like two and a half years ago. It's crazy to me.

Alex Love: then,

myself a meathead. I don't know what you're talking about.

Cameron Currie: True, true. Yeah.

Alex Love: You can be both simultaneously, right?

Cameron Currie: very true. Yeah.

Alex Love: You can't see my protein powder selection behind me, but it's there. It's there. Absolutely. Cool. So we're coming up on the time here, but I want to give you space to, If you were to distill down and look back from your path from, leaving high school, 18, big dreams to now, what advice would you give yourself, that 18 year old and anyone coming up looking for a similar path and, military health and fitness and wellness.

Cameron Currie: Oh, my gosh. I knew you'd hit me with something like that. Hey, try to summarize 18 years of

Alex Love: No big deal, right?

Cameron Currie: no big deal. I feel like it might be a cop out answer, but it's a it's true. You have to trust the process. And I know this is something that comes up a lot. It's just if you do the work and if you can go to bed each night.

having reflected on your day and honestly answer did I move the ball forward? Did I move toward my goals? Am I happy? Am I happy with the journey that I'm on right now? And if you can do that continuously, it acts as like the bumpers and bumper bowling to keep you on track. The only thing that you have to wait for is just the passage of time.

This stuff takes time. It's going to, it's going to be a brutal journey at times, often uphill battle. But the more you lean into your network and your community of people, the lighter that load feels on the long term. Just trust the process and embrace your network and your tribe, your people, whatever it is and lean into that help and you'll get there a little bit faster and a little bit easier.

Alex Love: Trust the process. I love that. I would be remiss if I didn't get a book recommendation from you because we trade books all the time. What's your current book recommendation for the listeners?

Cameron Currie: Mastery by Robert Greene. Like I have this much left and it's a super thick book. It talks about basically how to. Take what you've lived through in your life and your experience and turn that into your life's work. And basically, as you get later in the life, once you exit the apprenticeship phase, you then enter this mastery phase and I feel like to throw that word around mastery is like a big word, but I feel like I'm in this.

I'm 36. I'm about to open my own facility. I want to take that decade plus of knowledge and condense it down into this gym, this next step, this next iteration. So that's the book I'm reading right now. Robert Green mastery. It's really good.

Alex Love: Sounds like some light reading.

Cameron Currie: Yeah, it's pretty, it's a dance. It's like this thing's thickest book ever read.

Alex Love: Any final questions, comments, Elliot?

Elliot: I think All I want to say is that I really appreciate your journey and still being at your position of finding new areas to pivot to, to constantly grow. I think it is both a really strong reflection of who you are as a coach and a trainer and maybe a therapist, as someone who's also applying it to their own life.

So I just want to say I really appreciate that, and I think it's really impressive to see you are not just talking the talk, you are actually walking the walk too, which is a lot to say for people in a similar set of shoes.

Cameron Currie: Yeah, absolutely. And I'm so grateful. I messaged, I think, yeah, I think I messaged you, Alex. Like when I got invited onto this thing, I was like, After listening to a few episodes, I'm like, Oh my gosh, this is like pretty serious stuff. Let me put my best foot forward here. So I'm super grateful to be even considered for this.

And I'm just really honored to be a part of the show and I love the message and the meaning behind it. So thank you so much. Yeah,

Alex Love: Again, we talk a lot. So off the show, check in on my workouts for sure, but it was a wonderful having you as a guest cam. We really appreciate it.

Cameron Currie: so much. It was a pleasure being here.

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